

Today's Message 2011

The Cosmic Numbers * The Secret Characters of Light


そう すべてがきれいになっていくのね
まだまだこれから、、 それぞれの役割分担

大きな大きな光の輪が この宇宙にはよういされて
透明感があってね ひとつひとつが光の宝石のようです


私が左手で書いた文字は 宇宙の数値、、

横書きに書かれた文字は 宇宙のバランスを描いたものです
新しい光のもとを 再び地上におろします

それをもう一度 再現しますよ、、、
医学*薬剤の進歩 それは命につながるものです
命の点が 波動なの、、、
すべての命 細胞にとても影響するものです
遠くからみると 宇宙の音符のようにみえますよ、、、

その文字で ある時には薬剤の全てがつくられていました


それは 大きな宇宙の星からくる 大きな波動を文字にしたものです

宇宙の星の位置 バランスはととのっていますか

全ての星の波動の位置 バランスは整っていますか
太陽のバランス 月のバランス 整っていますか

広い宇宙にまた 新しい星が出現するようです
だから よういをしてね


新しい星が出現します 新しい位置ではじまります
だから 地球も光の音をよくきいて用意するのよ、

きずいてね、、、 魂の使命をおもいだしてね
ひとりひとりが この地球にたって生きているのね

私は再び宇宙の数値の文字を描いて 進化するおてつだいをいたします
12の光が大きな輪となり すべてがあかりました
みんなが進化します そのおてつだいをいたします

だから 昔のむつかしい教義にこだわらないで
もっと 進化するのよ、、、、

これからは 宇宙も地球も進化します
だから 人間の世界は気づき、、、気づきがおこなわれます
形ではないの もう古い形ではないのよ

宇宙も地球も 神様の世界も
そして 人間の世界もすべてがつながっているの、、

みんなが反省をして 進歩していくのよ

進化のために 宇宙の数値の文字をおわたししましょう
光の文字を おわたししましょう

そう 最後まで楽しく使命をおこないましょうね

ひとりひとりが まるで光の宝石のようにみえています

進化のために 宇宙の数値をお伝えします

みんなが キラキラと輝きますように


杉谷 惠
Megumi Orpheus Sugitani

Today's Message 2011 宇宙の数値

The Cosmic Numbers * The Secret Characters of Light

Everything has been cleansed and beautiful.
A stream of water has been cleansed thoroughly…
It is the water on this earth.

This is only the beginning…please take your share on this work of cleansing.
All the light beings will take their parts in this work for the earth.

In the universe, a big and great light ring is arranged…
Everything has already been linked to the earth.

It is brilliant, beautiful, and transparent,
as if each light particle is a jewel.
Align the axes of co-ordinate exactly.
Align the axis of the earth.
In order to do so, the balance of the right and left is important.
The cosmic numbers are being arranged.
The characters that I drew with my left hand are the cosmic numbers.
I drew the balance of the light.

The laterally written secret characters describe the balance in the universe.
The source of new light will be brought down
to the earth once more.
Many different things were made of the cosmic characters.
Now, they will reappear once more.

Advances in the medical and pharmaceutical sciences,
directly have influences on lives.
Points that each life makes create the wave motions.
The characters are delicately drawn as if each light twinkles.
They have influences on cells of all the lives.
From afar they look like the musical notes of the universe.
The light wave motions are in them.
Once upon a time, all medicines were made with these characters.
My soul has strong memory about them.

These characters originate from
the light wave motions in the big star in the universe.

At this new era,
Let us hand them to the people who take important parts.
Everything is evolving.
Are stars in the universe are well-placed and balanced?
Let us ask the sun and the moon.
Are the wave motions of all the stars are orchestrated?
Are the sun and the moon well balanced?

A new star will be born.
in the vast universe, one new star will appear.
As if a new island is formed in the ocean.
From now a big change in the cosmic wave motions will happen.
So, please be ready.
Please balance the cosmic characters.
The new star will be born in a new placement.
Oh, the earth, please prepare and listen to the sound of the light carefully.
We exist on the earth for help.

Be conscious, please remember your mission.
Each of us lives on the earth standing by ourselves.
Everything is evolving.
I will again help the people for their evolution
by making drawings of the cosmic characters.
For all the lives, I hope to do my mission.

All the twelve lights create a large ring
open perfectly.
Everything will evolve… and I will help them in my works.
The divine realm will evolve too.
So, please do not adhere to the old doctrines.
Be in the flow of evolution.

It has already begun, isn’t it?
From now, the universe and the earth will be on their new stages.
Therefore, in the human realm, the people will have a new consciousness.
Forms do not matter.
We are not the slave of the tradition.

We will get on a new ship.
Everything is connected to one another.
The universe, the earth
The Divines, the humans
They are connected to one another.

Everybody will learn his/her lesson, and evolve.
I will carry out my mission too.
For evolution, I will show you the characters of the cosmic numbers.
I will show you the secret characters of light

All of you are filled with tears of joy.
Enjoy your lives and carry out your missions.
You all look like the beautiful light jewels.

All of you get together, then,
We will get on the new ship.

For evolution, I will initiate you into the cosmic numbers.
With tears of joy
Hope every one of you to shine brilliantly.

I pray for your shining forever.

Megumi Orpheus Sugitani